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Interactive Learning


Global Medal Ceremony - June 20th - 4:30PM CEST

The Worldwide Finalists
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The most prestigious universities in the race

We are celebrating the most interactive and innovative higher education institutions around the world.

They compete in 9 categories and dozens of medals are up for grabs!

Join us on June 20th to find out the winners' secrets to improve learning outcomes.

Save the date - June 20th!

Meet your colleagues and find inspiration from the world's best Higher Ed institutions.


Follow the competition

Universities and colleges from around the world have embraced interactive learning. Discover who will be in the top 3 in each award category.

Unlock best practices 

This global webinar will gather the world's best higher education professionals. Tune in to discover their secrets to student engagement.

Learn Wooclap tips 

These institutions have mastered Wooclap and its powerful features. Learn how they create great learning experiences with the tool.

9 Interactive Learning Awards

  • 9 categories

    Higher education institutions from all around the world compete in 9 categories, from most engaged to most collaborative. Stay tuned to learn more about each award.

  • 27 medals... and more!

    The global competition will see 27 medals awarded. But even universities from countries around the world will also be recognized.

  • Finalists announced soon

    Finalists will be announced on June 11th, grab your seat and check your mail box to see if your university is a contender.

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Join us for the Interactive Learning Olympics

Your medal ceremony presenters

“The part I love most about my job is seeing the Wooclap community grow, and see the creative uses that teachers and learning technologists come up with.”

Jennifer Larsen, Community builder at Wooclap
“This is our chance to thank the superstar higher education professionals who use Wooclap every day to improve learning outcomes.”
Annelies (2)
Annelies Dejonckheere, Head of Expansion at Wooclap